Monday, January 23, 2012

Alfred Bernhard Nobel

Alfred Bernhard Nobel, a swedish investor and philanthropis, bequeathed most of this vast Fortune to a Trust that he designated as a fund from which annual prizes could be awarded to the individuals and Organization that had achieved through invention or Discovery that which would have greastest benefit to humanity in a particular year. According to a legenda. Nobel’s death had been erroneously reporter in a newspaper, and the focus the of the obituary was the fact that nobel had invented dyamit. He rewrote his will in 1895, thereby establishing, with the original amount of the millions dollars, the nobel Foundation as the legal owner and administering agen of the funds, and instituting the prizes that are named after him. Statutes to govern the awarding of the prizes Wet written, along with guidlines for operating procedures. Five years after nobel death, the First five prizes, worth about forty thousand dollars each, Were to be awarded.

Karya Tulis Tugas B.Indonesia “Boraks dan Formalin pada Makanan”


Pada bab I ini akan dijelaskan mengenai latar belakang masalah, pembatasan masalah, perumusan masalah, tujuan penulisan, metode penelitian, hipotesa dan manfaat.

1.1 Latar Belakang Masalah

Sekarang ini banyak sekali bahan kimia dan berbagai campuran-campuran lain dibuat dan diciptakan untuk membuat pekerjaan manusia dalam membuat makanan lebih efektif dan efisien. Tetapi di samping untuk makanan dibuat juga bahan kimia untuk pembuatan kebutuhan lain. Di mana bahan kimia tersebut tidak boleh dipergunakan dalam pembuatan makanan dan dapat berakibat fatal.
Hal ini sangat penting dan juga memprihatinkan. Fenomena ini merupakan salah satu masalah dan kebobrokan bangsa yang harus diperbaiki. Janganlah sampai membiarkan hal ini terus berlarut dan akhirnya akibat menumpuk di masa depan. Oleh karena itu, kami berusaha merangkum sedemikian rupa dan mencoba membedah apa saja yang seharusnya dilakukan dan mengapa hal ini menjadi hal yang sangat penting.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Membaca yo membaca
Terus kita membaca
Disini, disana baca dimana saja
Gantungkan citamu
Jauh dilangit tinggi
Pasti kan tercapai dengan membaca
Teladan bapak ibu guru semua
Ingatkan kiat untuk terus membaca
Membaca buku-buku sumber beragam ilmu
Membuat belajar lebih menyenangkan
Membaca yo membaca
Jangan henti membaca
Jadikan waktuu lebih berarti
Jangan kau redupkan
Smangat untuk membaca
Jelang masa depan yang cerah


 Belajar mari kita belajar
Giatlah tetap giat belajar
Jangan kau tinggalkan
Tambahkan ilmu tiada lelah
Kita pintar karena belajar
Merugi yag berhenti mengejar
Marilah kita bersama-sama
Buang dan jauhkan rasa malas
Belajar dengan penuh semangat
Belajar itu kewajiban


Pengabdianmu sungguh mulia
Tak ternilai jasa-jasamu
Tuhan memberi kesempatan padamu
Turut membentuk penerus negeri
Sungguh ikhlas hatimu
Memberikan ilmu pada kami
Namamu kan abadi di kalbu
Takkan ku lupa guruku
Tuhan terimalah do’a kami
Tak putus kata terucap
Jadilah prasati tegak dihati
Mengenang baktimu guruku


Menuntut ilmu kewajiban
Bekal kita dimasa depan
Jangan tinggalkan walau sekejap
Carilah sampai keujung dunia
Ilmu slamanya kan berguna
Kekayaan yang abadi
Kejarlah dengan penuh cita-cita
Bekal mengabdi pada ibu pertiwi
Raihlah ilmu dengan sgala kejujuran
Ilmu tak akan habis terbaca
Waktu tak akan cukup mengejar ilmu
Warisan yang tak kan pernah hilang
Bukan harta bukan permata
Tetapi ilmu


Bila nanti tiba saatnya
Ku abadikan ilmu yang kumiliki
Aku akan terus berjuang
Tuk mewujudkan cita-citaku
Takkan henti ku terus berlari
Mengejar harapan yang ku dambakan
Walau rintangan akan datang
Tak akan tergoyah tekadku
Ku hadapi dengan penuh keyakinan

Ku persembahkan baktiku
Untuk negeriku
Kusadar bakti tak cukup
Untuk membangun bangsa
Tetapi niat mulia
Takkan ada kata sia-sia


Ingatlah nasehat guru
Janganlah malas
Rajinlah belajar
Berilmu tentu berguna
Jangan ditunda
Wujudkan cita-cita mu
Jangan lupa temanku
Pintar saja tak cukup
Ramah berbudi
Cermin anak berbakti
Hormati yang lebih tua
Sayangi yang lebih muda
Suka menolong teman
Sikap anak terpuji


Setiap hari engkau membimbingku
Memberi penerang
Guru kau tebarkan ilmu
Luaskan pandangan
Hanya doa didalam hati
Sebagai tanda terima kasihku
Jasamu tak terbatas
Tuhan akan melindungi
Kan kukenang selamanya
Jasamu guruku
Ikhlas kau beri bakti pada negeri
Membina tunas penerus pada semua
Guru engkaulah pahlawan bangsa

Thursday, January 19, 2012


I post the article is simple to follow HN SEO made ​​by the HNsemarak-4-tahun-hn-community Community,

HN Community is now 4 years old from standing in 2008, exactly on January 8, 2008. From the stories I've read, HN Community was born from a small room in Mig33 Hacker_Newbie named. And then realized as a forum in 2009 that addressed the, but because there are internal problems HN Community, Community HN then rose again on May 10, 2009 address at the, a little history I've read .


What you said it would happen, IF you CAN NOT say .... then you WILL NOT CAN, IF you CAN say .... You certainly CAN

You're In My Heart Forever

Old things have you accompany me along
Sharing love and shared taste
The more we go the more we are in
Increasingly look much different

But I never thought this soon
Must end our love story

I will always love you
Although we can not be shared
Although heavy let you go
But you will always be in my heart forever

How shattered my heart to leave you
But that was not my will
We are indeed different t'lah
Never one word
Not too good to be forwarded

But I never thought this soon
Must end our love story

I will always love you
Although we can not be shared
Although heavy let you go
But you will always be in my heart forever


That phrase is often thrown out of your mouth now. But, if I should believe him? To be honest I'm happy to hear your words, and I hope that it is real not just your hypocrisy alone. However, if I remember it was, it was, it seems highly unlikely I could trust again in you. There was no cure sick you make first. Indeed, now that you've regretted it, but somehow if you try to fix it. I do not know. Often I intend to go from your life and forget all about you. But it is not easy thing. Because maybe my love is greater than you hate me. One thing that should always be you know, I'm the one who has hurt you. And one thing you must remember, I'm always happy when you're happy. Although it is not because of me, or rather with me. I hope you'll forget all about us, and please do not I do something stupid like that again.

tightness in the dark

Destroy it all

As I enjoy everything
Get rid of any plan
In order for you to make me feel

Disappointed sinners have hearts
You've got me I think is rotten all the puja

Exiled my body in the dark

Until congested and sleep
Remind my soul on the day
where you will find, I here

Genjat weapon you bridle

And terkam me from behind
You better look in the mirror
Lick the spit have you slur
Perfect all the time you left and
Eventually returned to her sinful imprint

Exiled my body in the dark
Until congested and sleep

Remind my soul on the day
Where will you find
Fuck you why

I think the script does not apply

Tell me again through the wind
hempaskanku subtle blow, kill me


You are my breath
That keep on in my life
You taught me to be the best
You never tired of
Sebagaibagai crutch in my life
You give me all the beautiful

I just call you dad
At the moment I lost sight
I just remember my father
If I had been away from you

True lovers

I think,
but I was not expecting much.
you made my time taken up with the dream about you!
try to forget, but I can not> o <
why is this? '
oh maybe I dreamed that I want you to accompany me here: o
oh probably true whether the so keksih ????'"
hopefully not just hope
if not be mine,
I would not regret having fallen in love


Nutrient content per 100 grams of cassava include:
Calories 121 cal
62.50 grams of water
Phosphorus 40.00 grams
Carbohydrates 34.00 grams
33.00 milligrams of calcium
0.00 milligrams of vitamin C
1.20 grams of Protein
0.70 milligrams of iron
0.30 grams of fat
Vitamin B1 0.01 mg [2]
Calcium is a mineral that is essential for our body. One of its functions
is to form bone and keeping it strong.
But remember not only the function of calcium for bones
Ninety-nine percent (99%) of calcium in the bones or teeth while the remaining 1% circulate in the blood and this is very important in the life and health ( Calcium in need in
the process of metabolism, nerve transmission, heartbeat regulation, contraction of muscles, helping the formation of energy, helps the process of fertilization, accelerates blood clotting, activating the body's defense siatem, and others.
So: wrong! CALCIUM assume IF ONLY

breathing your love

This trasa lonely hearts without breathing your love, your, life is lonely without a smile from you yourself inisenyap without your love life,, my heart darkened room without stepping toward tuk
love,,, why all have to happen? why the light of the world when you go into my soul you left a piece lies in a sense,,
love .. I was only able to embrace a sense of embracing the dream dusk yng gray dawn of hope to pursue wanderer,,
love .. I'm not sure you made ​​to move you to give me a handful of injuries why a rainbow of light into the fire,, goodbye love, happy happy on my wound, let stringing words similar liver blood behind the curtain ....

♥ Love It Through ♥

Sometimes I want to see ..
And sharing time terlalui ..
Tuk difficult to realize ..
I must not covet ..

Without your love does not mean ..
Love is over ..
I did not think it this way ..
Why should you be bound ..
Spite spoken ..
Just me in your heart ..

I have tried to set aside ..
But be not willing to admit tuk ..
The fact that there is love ..
You can not ...

Earth desperately need us

Earth desperately need us, let us never ever destroy nature for personal gain. unite our hearts, so that together we can preserve the earth and the universe. let's get up brother, we all need the earth, the earth also needs us. we are risen with nature. children and grandchildren so that we can feel the world is sustainable. Come Risen!

memories with the scouts

Still remember when it happened is a lot of memories with the scouts, at that time I was a primary school, then I joined the scouts. Although still a child, but whenever there is a camping event I always join the Scouts. When growing up, I entered junior high school and rejoined the scout. Therein lies the memories and valuable lessons that I get. When the class first, I was with friends who join the scouts, often following the camp held by each national Kwartir once every one year. And I went up to grade 2, still like it. Lots of events which I attended with my friends. When I went up to grade 3, I was appointed as chief scout at my school. Really it makes me very happy. I will not forget the memories I was a scout at the time of SMP ago. The spirit of Scouting .... I'm Happy

the day

It was raining, precisely on November 11, 2007. I come up to you to bring that feeling very happy, then I am with you through the day with a full smile at that, now we are far apart for the sake of a future, hopefully with the way each of us can become a useful person for ourselves, thanks for all the happiness which thou hast given, today I feel happy though not with you .... This is the best way that I had with my boyfriend ..... Live with love that you have

Message to all my friends

Without noticeably after approximately 2 years we were together. After feeling happy, sad, happy, hug, tears, jokes and laughter we spent together and all it has to grow a sense of togetherness among us, now we have to separate for the future. There have been many lessons of life we ​​get and have pretty much the color that has been depicted in our days. Maybe someday we miss all those moments. Would never guess that when we parted still exist? It's not easy to express it all with smiles and tears the heart when fused. Because so many stories about there full of wonderful memories. Perhaps only time can understand how meaningful this separation as the end of our story, but make this separation as the beginning of our future. Hopefully our story has become a classic tale for the future and be unforgettable memories and I hope we get what we dream.