Nutrient content per 100 grams of cassava include:
Calories 121 cal
62.50 grams of water
Phosphorus 40.00 grams
Carbohydrates 34.00 grams
33.00 milligrams of calcium
0.00 milligrams of vitamin C
1.20 grams of Protein
0.70 milligrams of iron
0.30 grams of fat
Vitamin B1 0.01 mg [2]
Calcium is a mineral that is essential for our body. One of its functions
is to form bone and keeping it strong.
But remember not only the function of calcium for bones
Ninety-nine percent (99%) of calcium in the bones or teeth while the remaining 1% circulate in the blood and this is very important in the life and health ( Calcium in need in
the process of metabolism, nerve transmission, heartbeat regulation, contraction of muscles, helping the formation of energy, helps the process of fertilization, accelerates blood clotting, activating the body's defense siatem, and others.
So: wrong! CALCIUM assume IF ONLY
Phosphorus functions
Phosphorus has many functions in the body:
1. Classification of bones and teeth. Classification of bones and teeth begins with the deposition of phosphorus in the bone matrix. Phosphorus deficiency causes an increase in phosphatase enzyme that is required to remove phosphorus from body tissues into the blood in order to obtain the calcium to phosphorus ratio appropriate for bone growth.
2. Regulate the transfer of energy. Through the process of phosphorus phosphorylation activates various enzymes and B vitamins in energy transfer and metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. When one phosphate group is added to ADP (adenine diphosphate) then formed ATP (adenine triphosphate) that stores energy in the bond. When energy is needed, ATP is converted back to ADP. The energy that binds phosphate in the ADP is released for the purposes of the various reactions in the body.
3. Absorption and transport of nutrients. In the form of phosphates, phosphorus acts as a conveyance to carry nutrients across the cell membrane or in the bloodstream. This process is called phosphorylation and occur in absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, release of nutrients from the bloodstream into the intercellular fluid and pengalihannya into the cell. Fats are not soluble in water, is transported in the blood in the form fosfolipida. Fosfolipida is phosphate bonds with molecules of fat, so fat becomes more soluble. Glycogen deposits are removed from the liver or muscle in the blood are bound to phosphorus.
The function of carbohydrates for the body
1) Generate energy
2) Backup power for the body
3) Provide a sense of satiety
Iron is an essential nutrient for the human body. Iron requirement ... Iron also plays an important role in immune function.
Vitamin A: Vitamins are essential for the maintenance of corneal cells to help the growth of bone and teeth formation and hormonal regulation protects the body against cancer. Vitamin A found in many vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, spinach, tomatoes), fruits (papaya), milk, cheese, butter, and eggs, if the body is less of vitamin A causes a decrease in function of the cornea to blindness, changes bone shape, pertumbuhaannya inhibited, forming a gap (tooth decay), cessation of growth of the cells forming the tooth
2. Vitamin B
- Vitamin B1: Vitamin is essential for carbohydrate metabolism, treating the disease beriberi, the circumstances which led to an increased need for vitamin B1, for example during pregnancy. Source of Vitamin B1: vegetables, nuts milk, egg yolks, potatoes, If the body is lacking vitamins B1menyebabkan reduced physical and psychic abilities, no appetite, weight loss, stomach and bowel dysfunction.
Vitamin C: Vitamins are essential for the formation of collagen, helps absorption of iron, as an antioxidant, a compound producing certain hormones and nerve transmitters. Vitamin C found in oranges and other fruits that taste sour, chili, broccoli, If the body is lacking vitamin C causes scurvy (bleeding gums), mouth sores, growth retardation in infants and children, prone body wounds and infections.
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